Monday, February 16, 2015

Parents' Cross-Country Journey to Save Daughter's Lifetime Takes an Unusual Turn

PLAINFIELD, TOWARDS (ABC9 NEWS) A family's cross country journey to save a little girl's day-to-day lives takes a turn for the worse in cases where thieves steal the family's reverting truck. In this Plainfield hotel stays on the Griffin phone case family. To say they have got suffered a setback would be a powerful understatement.

Griffin Survivor iPhone 5 Case

"I just really aint able to believe this is happening you know, alone Amber griffin iphone5 says.

They are driving, moving from Pennsylvania to \. They stopped in Plainfield for this fantastic night. When they woke up this morning the truck was gone - cloned by thieves. In it was all the things they own: clothes, important contracts, their son's car seat - and even his shoes gone.

Griffins advocates, "I just want whoever made the truck to see how much impact this is causing us. We have decent stress in our life right now. "

The type of Griffin's 8-year-old daughter Neveah is now battling bone cancer - very resilient bone cancer. This is gets results in Pennsylvania last year, collecting Play-doh for other patients. Her express is getting worse. That's why the family is now moving across the country - to get the gal expensive alternative treatment. Her exclusive diets and medical records will be in the stolen truck.

Jason Griffin says, "You know for someone to trust that they needed our things significantly more than we needed them - I'm talking about that's pretty upsetting. "

A prior weekend not too long ago, Jason will load his for the into a rental car and continue w., determined to get to California before Neveah's first appointment next week. They end up with Indiana with a plea to those what persons likely didn't know who the pair were stealing from.

"Please just slide it off somewhere and call run pay phone and just return these stuff if not anything, " pleas Griffin.

Police say the stolen lorry is a 2000 white F-250 double cab. The Pennsylvania license menu number is ZGM1239.

The family provides a Go-Fund-Me account online in order to assist cover Nevaeh's cancer treatment.

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